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- the no-future lifestyle of some youngsters in Southern Italy -

How does a youngster live in a region where there is little to no hope for work?

The south of Italy is a tourist paradise lost in the hands of corruption. The economic crisis has left some regions in southern Italy almost without industries or job oportunities, which does not provide the brightest future for the young generations.

How does a youngster live in a region where there is little to no hope for growth?

There has been decline of the southern Italian society in recent years, which most of the time is been translated in unemployment rates. Amid beautiful beaches the young people of the south think about emigrating. Tired of political instability, they find themselves without any hope in this deserted lands empty of possibilities.

How does a youngster live in a region with little to no hope for hope?

Calabria is the region in Europe with the highest youth unemployment rate. With a record 58,7 % in 2017, acording to Eurostat.

Calabria is also home of one of the most fearest mafias in Italy. The N’drangheta.

During the last elections for the european Parliament, 38% of the first time voters in Calabria decided to vote for the italian right wing party, La Lega.

All rights reserved. All Images © Carlos Bafile